My Community Legal Inc (MCL) commenced service in February 2014 and is now a medium-tier Community Legal Centre (CLC).
The mission stated in the objects of our association are—-
(1) To facilitate the local legal profession provide pro bono publico services;
(2) To provide a free and accessible legal service;
(3) To provide referral to and collaborate with appropriate agencies;
(4) To promote holistic legal education of intending future legal practitioners;
for the benefit of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in the Gold Coast Community.
In short – we help our neighbours.
MCL is a community legal centre in the ancient, ‘pro bono publico’, access to justice tradition of the legal profession. It is an independent initiative of the Gold Coast District Law Association (GCDLA) and grew out of its members identifying a very high need for a second community legal centre in Australia’s sixth-largest city. Gold Coast has a population more than of all of Tasmainia, is growing rapidly and will soon overtake Adelaide to be Australia’s fifth largest city after Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Both sides to a matter in Gold Coast now have better access to justice.